Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I think a lot of the teachers (including me) are frustrated with at least a few students in every class. They just don’t want to listen! It is pretty discouraging to watch students putting their heads on the desks and setting their feet on desks and other chairs. Constantly telling them to sit up and move their feet gets really annoying! They don’t understand that if they will only do well in high school, they could go to college and do something better with their lives. As teachers, we can only tell them about what it is like to go to college and have jobs. They have no concept of the work world or anything outside of this little island other than what they see on the internet or hear from us.
There are some bright spots in the classes, though. Some students talk about going to college after they graduate. I know of several seniors that would like to go, but I don’t think they know where yet. One senior, Peterson, wants to go to Southern next year. There are two SM’s here that go to Southern (one of them teaches high school English) that he can talk to about registration and such. It is so encouraging to see that students want to continue their education!

I have also been thinking about the age of the students I am teaching. They really aren’t much younger than I am! My brother, Nathan, is only 2 ½ years younger than me and will be graduating from high school in May. I am teaching students that are my brother’s age!! That might be one of my problems. Sure, I am older and have college experience, but I am not that much older. At least I am taller than a lot of the students here. Maybe I should start wearing my glasses in class too. That might make me look more teacher-ish. (You know, the pose with the glasses on the end of the nose, looking down at a disruptive student.) Maybe not. :)

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